Our Vision


Hull Scorpions Baseball and Softball Club Vision

To have a variety of baseball and softball leagues that will allow participation at every level from amateur playing for fun, up to National and European standard, to include:

  • An adult baseball league consisting of 3 teams (60 players) that can play locally as well as compete in AA, AAA and the National Baseball League.
  • A youth baseball league consisting of 8 teams (120 children) competing locally and on a national level within age group brackets.
  •  A mixed slowpitch softball/corporate league consisting of 6 teams (90 people) competing locally.
  • To provide high performance coaching and training for those looking to excel within the sports at all ages.

To have a range of baseball and softball facilities in the area in order to support the above teams

  • One International standard baseball and softball facility at Alderman Kneeshaw Park in order to inspire people of all ages to the sports and enable them to play in top class facilities.  Also to attract International teams and competitions.
  • Improvement to two other current baseball diamonds and facilities at Eastmount Recreation Centre and Sydney Smith School.
  • To help and support schools to build baseball/softball diamonds and other baseball/softball facilities within their school grounds.

To develop officials, coaches and volunteers and set up structures for continuous development and succession planning.

  • Develop a recruitment and training plan for officials.
  • To create a ‘volunteer guide’ to help people understand what they can help the sports with and what the responsibilities and time commitments are likely to be.
  • Every player to do a basic official and coaching certification in order to develop knowledge of the game and also to identify potential full time umpires and coaches.
  • To conduct regular club meetings in order to gain buy in to the clubs future plans and gain commitment from volunteers to various tasks.

To have a robust infrastructure of administrative and promotional activities that support the ongoing growth of the club.

  • A financial plan that supports the ongoing costs and future development of the sports in the area.
  • A marketing and communication plan that supports the need to reach all members, potential members and stakeholders in the sports for the area.
  • Liaising with schools, local authorities and public services in order to bring new members to the sports and facilitate strong links and partnerships for the use of facilities, funding and support.

To play an important role in improving the health and social cohesion of the area.

  • As part of the NHS Hull 2020 vision, giving all people the opportunity to participate in sport. This is a local NHS initiative that is aimed at enabling the people of Hull to improve their own health and wellbeing and to achieve their aspirations for the future.
  • The majority of sports run competitive teams, which once the team is full, children and adults are turned away because they are considered not good enough or fit enough for the team.    Through baseball and softball we will ensure that no person is left behind.
  • Promoting health and fitness to young people in the area through school coaching programmes.
  • To encourage social cohesion as baseball and softball in particular are inclusive sports for all ages and all abilities.
  • To work with public services to help set up teams and leagues in areas of deprivation to help increase aspiration and self-esteem.
  • To generally improve the health and wellbeing of people of all ages.